Writing with Light

Posts tagged “Toronto

Spadina House – The Garden House

One more from Spadina House (I promise). This is the garden house on the property, which in itself was quite the building.

If you saw my last post, of the back exterior, you’ll know that it was a bright, sunny, beautiful day out. I decided to process this one in black and white to give it a different look and feel.

Click on the image to enlarge (it really does look better) or to Purchase a print.

Spadina House, Toronto, Ontario, architecture, garden house, heritage, black and white

Spadina House – The Backyard

The last couple of posts I’ve shared some interior shots of two of my favourite rooms in Spading House, the Billiard Room and The Pantry. I thought today I’d share the exterior.

This is the back of the house and part of the backyard.

Click on the image to enlarge (it really does look better) or to Purchase a Print.

Spadina House, Toronto, architecture, exterior, heritage, Ontario, fall, manor

The Pantry

Last week I posted an image of the Billiard Room in Spadina House, a historic manor house in Toronto. You can click here to see that post.

Now the Billiard rom was definitely a favourite but it was a tie with the pantry. I love vintage containers and this room was just a treasure trove filled with goodies.

Click on the images to enlarge (it really does look better) or to Purchase a Print.

Spadina House, Toronto, landmark, pantry, cupboard, vintage

Spadina House, Toronto, landmark, pantry, cupboard, vintage

Spadina House, Toronto, landmark, pantry, cupboard, vintage

Spadina House, Toronto, landmark, pantry, cupboard, vintage

The Billiard Room

Last month I joined my photography club in an outing to Spadina house, a historic manor house and gardens which now operates as a museum.The property was purchased in 1866 by businessman and financier, James Austin and remained in the family for over a century. The property was transferred to the City of Toronto and the Ontario Heritage Foundation in 1978.

I love joining my club on some of these outings. It forces me to visit places in my own city that I’ve never been to. I’ve lived in Toronto for over 20 years and must have driven by Spadina House hundreds of times and never stopped.

The house and the grounds were spectacular. When I walked into the billiard room I was enthralled. I was chatting with the woman who worked there and she was quite impressed that I called it a “billiard room” and didn’t refer to it as a pool table or room. I guess that’s what happens after all those years playing ‘Clue’.

Click on the image to enlarge (it really does look better) or to Purchase a Print.

Spadina House, Toronto, billiard room, pool table, estate, historical, interior, architecture

Sail Away

Sometimes you don’t have to travel very far to find beauty. Last weekend we headed down to the Beaches in Toronto. We found a spot on the rocks where we could look out and enjoy the lake. People were going by in canoes and paddle boards but in the distance the sailboats were gliding smoothly through the water.

I’ll let you in on a little secret. This was taken early in the afternoon on a hot, sunny and hazy day. A texture overlay in post created the ambiance I envisioned in my head.

Click on the image to enlarge (it really does look better) or to Purchase a Print.

Lake Ontario, Toronto, Beaches, sail, sailboats, water

A Tree Grows There

Here’s another image from my workshop last weekend where I shot only in black & white. If you missed that post you can find it here. I really liked this tree (which was in the parking lot by the way…so don’t put your camera way when you’re walking back to the car) and I wanted to give it more of an artistic treatment.

I used Topaz Impression to create this pencil drawing look. You can always save 15% by using the discount code ELPHOTO.

Kortright Center, Toronto, Tree, Topaz Impressions, monochrome