Writing with Light


Architectural Abstract

I attempted to create more of an abstract with this image of the “Marilyn Monroe” towers. Once again I used my 10-stop ND filter to smooth out the clouds passing between the two buildings.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Click on the image to enlarge (it really does look better) or to Purchase a Print.

Absolute Towers, Mississauga, Marilyn Monroe Towers, architecture, black and white, abstract, monochrome, long exposure

Tiny Bubbles

Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend. I know that it was a long weekend in the US and here in Ontario we enjoyed a long weekend with Family Day. It was nice to have the extra day off and enjoy some downtime with my family.

Last week I got inspired to try something new. I was on Rachel Cohen’s Photography site (if you haven’t visited you really must. Just click on the link) and she created an abstract from oil and water. Rachel was actually inspired to try this when she visited Beverly Everson’s Photography site (yes definitely check out her site as well). I actually commented on Beverly’s post and asked her how she achieved this look. A few minutes later I received an email from Beverly giving me instructions. I think I need a bit more practice but here’s my first attempt of some macro photography of oil and water.

Now I’m usually pretty good at following instructions but once I got myself all set up and I filled a shallow dish with oil and added a bit of water here’s what I came up with….

Tiny Bubbles, bubbles, abstract, macro, macro photography, oil and water, blue

I actually liked how this came out but I thought “wow…why am I getting so many bubbles?”  Well I went back to Beverly’s instructions and I realized that I was supposed to fill a shallow dish with water first and then add a bit of oil….Duhh. For the image above I had my dish suspended over a bowl of blue and green marbles. Now for the correct mix of water and oil I placed two tulip stems under my dish and here’s what I came out with.

Remember you can click on any image to enlarge (they really do look better) or to Purchase a Print.

Tiny Bubbles, bubbles, abstract, macro, macro photography, oil and water, pastels,

Tiny Bubbles, bubbles, abstract, macro, macro photography, oil and water, pastels,

Tiny Bubbles, bubbles, abstract, macro, macro photography, oil and water, pastels,

It’s fun to experiment with something new.

Icy Abstracts

A bit of a departure from what I’ve been posting lately but I thought I would mix things up a little. I was walking my dog on Saturday when I noticed some beautiful icicles forming on the tree outside my house. After we got in (and Brady got his treat) I grabbed my camera, put on my Tamron 90mm Macro lens and headed outdoors.

I processed the first image in Photoshop then ran it through Topaz Simplify to give it a bit more of a stylized look. You can download any of the Topaz plugins for a free trial and don’t forget to use the discount code ELPHOTO for a 15% savings.

Click on the images to enlarge (the detail is much better) or to Purchase a Print.

icicle, ice, abstract, macro

icicle, ice, abstract, macro

Funky Flowers

Disclaimer….no flowers were harmed in the making of this photograph.

This was shot through a piece of water-glass. The only post processing was a slight adjustment to levels in Photoshop.

Click on the image to enlarge or to Purchase a Print.

macr, flowers, abstract, water glass

Sky Light

I hope that all my American friends had a wonderful 4th of July. Keeping with the festivities of the week I wanted to share another fireworks image although I wanted to try something different. I know fireworks should be enjoyed in full living color but I was curious as to how this would turn out if I converted it to B&W. I used OnOne Perfect Effects to do the conversion this time. I was really pleased with the abstract quality. Let me know what you think.

Click to enlarge (it really looks better) or to purchase a print.

fireworks, Canada Day, Ashbridges Bay, Lake Ontario, Toronto, Black White, monochrome, abstract

Fall Reflections

In my continued quest of creating interesting abstracts I present “Fall Reflections.”

This is one image processed three different ways. The abstract effect is straight out of the camera, of a forest floor covered in leaves, and was created by panning left to right. The original RAW image was processed in Photoshop and then different color photo filters were applied to create each of the images, in the triptych, below.

You can click on the image to view a larger version.